
Katie & Dan

A few weeks ago I met up with Katie and Dan at Indian Lake Park, I have lived in Madison for the last 10 years and I have never been to this beautiful space and I'm so glad we got to spend some time hanging out here -- even though we did get eaten alive by mosquitos! These two are adorable, these two will be getting married next September and it's going to be a good one. 2016-10-18_00012016-10-18_00022016-10-18_00032016-10-18_00042016-10-18_00052016-10-18_00062016-10-18_00072016-10-18_00082016-10-18_00092016-10-18_00102016-10-18_00112016-10-18_00122016-10-18_00132016-10-18_00142016-10-18_00152016-10-18_00162016-10-18_00172016-10-18_00182016-10-18_00192016-10-18_00202016-10-18_00212016-10-18_00222016-10-18_00232016-10-18_0024



engagementAudre Krull