
Posts tagged candid family
Jen, Bob and Baby Liam

One of my favorite parts of my job is when I get to continue documenting a family. The couple reaches out when they get engaged, I photograph their wedding and then they contact me when they want photographs with their little ones. This year I got to see so many of my past wedding couples with their little ones and it really brought me so much joy. Earlier this summer Jenny reached out and I got to visit them with my camera when they brought their son Liam home.

Mariah, Manu, Gabo and Matias On A Saturday

I’m not going to lie - I miss photographing people, I miss being invited into peoples homes and document their day. On March 7th I went over to meet this lovely family in their beautiful home and I didn’t know it would be my last family session for awhile. It was just starting to feel like spring, that feeling where you know hibernation is coming to an end and soon you will be meeting up with friends at outdoor cafes and hosting grill outs. We spent some time in their beautifully lit home and then went for a walk out on the tracks just out in their backyard - it was a simple day in the life of this family and I got to document it.

The Gagnon Family

A few Sunday's ago I went to see Amy and Tim, I photographed their wedding a few years back and was happy to hear they had a healthy baby girl, Esther Ann. They live in a beautiful home in Lake Mills, when I arrived Essie was sound asleep, but like all newborn shoots - that didn't last. It was the challenge of getting little Essie back to sleep, but she just wanted to hang out: